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A MindShare Moment Podcast - "It's OK to be where you are, it's not OK to stay there."

A MindShare Moment Podcast – “It’s OK to be where you are, it’s not OK to stay there.”

  Special thanks to Robert Martellacci for having me as a guest on the MindShare Moment Podcast. Always a pleasure to chat with you! Good luck with your grand opening! From the December issue of the MindShare Learning Report: At our recent Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit, I questioned why we are still talking about, ‘pockets of innovation.’ […]

Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

Happy Computer Science Education Week! Happy indeed! My book, Code Breaker, was released yesterday. Here is the description from Amazon: “Crack the code for your students’ success! Future-ready students need to be creative. They need to know how to communicate their ideas and how to collaborate as problem solvers. To master these and other twenty-first-century requirements, they will need […]

Minecraft Mathland

Minecraft Mathland

    References: Drake, S.M. (2014). Designing across the curriculum for “sustainable well-being”: A 21st century approach. In F. Deer, T. Falkenberg, B. McMillan, & L. Sims (Eds.), Sustainable well-being: Concepts, issues, and educational practice (pp. 57–76). Winnipeg, MB: Education for Sustainable Well-Being (ESWB) Press. Retrieved from: www.eswbpress.org/uploads/1/2/8/9/12899389/sustainable_well-being_2014.pdf#page=65 Fullan, M. (2013). Great to excellent: Launching […]

Paying Attention to Spatial Reasoning

Paying Attention to Spatial Reasoning

Paying Attention to Spatial Reasoning “Spatial thinking is integral to everyday life. People, natural objects, human-made objects, and human-made structures exist somewhere in space, and the interactions of people and things must be understood in terms of locations, distances, directions, shapes, and patterns.” (National Research Council, 2006, p. 5) What Is Spatial Reasoning? “Spatial thinking […]

10 Reasons Kids Should Learn to Code

10 Reasons Kids Should Learn to Code

Coding Improves Academic Performance Math: Coding helps kids visualize abstract concepts, lets them apply math to real-world situations, and makes math fun and creative! Writing: Kids who code understand the value of concision and planning, which results in better writing skills. Many kids even use Tynker as a medium for storytelling! Creativity: Kids learn through […]

Recap! A Q&A Platform Where Questions go to Flourish

Recap! A Q&A Platform Where Questions go to Flourish

  This weekend was incredibly productive. Not only did I continue finishing my new front deck (yes, there is a math lesson in there) but I also learned about a really neat tool that stimulates curiosity, inquiry, critical thinking and collaboration while providing video feedback. I’m changing the course slightly with this post (what, not […]