A Chat With Stephen Hurley From VoicEd Radio

A Chat With Stephen Hurley From VoicEd Radio

Stephen Hurley is someone I have followed online for quite some time. This last November we finally met face to face for the first time at the 8th EdTech Leadership Summit150 – Ignite the Night event.

Stephen gave a fabulous Ignite talk about his passion for radio. In fact, Stephen has followed a 50 year dream, he says, and has developed VoicEd Radio. Something I admire – and a great lesson for students to never give up on your goals and dreams!

From VoicEd:

voicEd.ca catalyst, Stephen Hurley, fell in love with radio when he was in elementary school and his passion for the medium hasn’t diminished one bit over the years. After trying for over 10 years to(unsuccessfully) convince mainstream radio folks in the Toronto area that a weekly show about education might be a decent addition to their schedule, Hurley decided to buy his own radio station—sort of!


Stephen was very generous to offer me a spot on his show this week to talk about my work with Actua, Hour of Code Week and of course, Code Breaker.

Thank you Stephen! Have a listen below.

If you haven’t already, enter the Code Breaker Book Giveaway Contest here!

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