Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

Happy Computer Science Education Week! Happy indeed! My book, Code Breaker, was released yesterday. Here is the description from Amazon:

“Crack the code for your students’ success!

Future-ready students need to be creative. They need to know how to communicate their ideas and how to collaborate as problem solvers. To master these and other twenty-first-century requirements, they will need to be critical thinkers.

In Code Breaker, educator Brian Aspinall shares his insights on how to turn curriculum expectations into skills. Students identify problems, develop solutions, and use coding and computational thinking to apply and demonstrate their learning. From Aspinall’s collection of real-life examples and practical lesson ideas, you’ll discover how to:
  • Use computational thinking and coding across all subjects and grade levels
  • Encourage students to let their skills and passions shine
  • Teach learners to take risks so they can grow from failure and feedback
  • Make assessment meaningful–and fun–for you and your students

You don’t have to be a “computer geek” to empower your students with these essential skills. Code Breaker equips you to use computational thinking and coding in your classroom – regardless of your computer skill level – to increase creativity, remix assessment, and develop a class of coder ninjas!”

To celebrate Computer Science Education Week, I’d like to give a copy away to one lucky winner!

In order to enter, sign up below to receive notifications, posts, videos, lessons and other giveaways from this blog! One lucky winner will be selected at random and notified in early 2018!

Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

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3 Responses for this post

  1. Lori Barbato
    Lori Barbato
    | |

    My grade two students are adicted to coding! Thank you for sharing the work you do.


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