Help Support @nkwiry on KickStarter!

Nkwiry is a social bookmarking website for schools. In its infancy stage, nkwiry provides a safe place for teachers and students to curate the web for the best content and share with each other. It is live now and fully functional, but there is still much work to do.

Collaboration is a 21st century fluency. We need to provide students with the proper tools – safe and secure tools. Google admits to selling data to marketers, yet millions of teachers use Classroom. Dropbox openly admits to selling user data – student data! We need a safe, secure alternative!

Build engaging classrooms by curating bookmarks with students. Student behaviour directly correlates to engagement. So do test scores.

Allow students to explore, learn, gather and share web resources with everyone in the class. Simple. Free. No student sign up. No student information. Flipped Learning. Blended Learning. Collaboration. Engagement.

As a teacher, you create topics. Topics could be anything from Math to Science to Ted Videos.

Members of the class begin searching for the most valuable content ranging from websites to video clips.

Web links are then saved to each unique topic giving your class instant access to a variety of web resources, curated to one location.

Think of it as shared ‘bookmarks’ accessible to anyone in the class, anywhere in the world!

Provide classrooms with alternatives to the textbook!

Teachers NEED this service. Parents as well. We need to concern ourselves with student privacy!

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