My name is Mr. Aspinall and you will be my ninth homeroom class. However you are more than just a number and you are more than just my new students. You will also be my new teachers.
I would like to welcome you today to your new classroom. This is your space. You will notice that I don’t even have a desk. This is your new community. As community members it is important for us to take care of each other and treat each other with respect and dignity. You have my respect.
This is an inviting space where each individual has the freedom to share and express themselves without fear or judgement. A place where the synergy of ideas can develop something incredible that I cannot yet describe or even envision.
I want to make a promise to you today.
• I promise to listen and learn from you.
• I promise to challenge you and be challenged by you.
• I promise to support every one of you to the best of my ability.
• I promise to make learning real.
• I promise to make learning personal.
• I promise to make learning fun as best I can.
• I promise to do my very best to make next year the best it can be.
• I promise to teach you to the best of my ability.
I am writing this letter today in pure excitement and I will post it on our classroom blog. Tonight’s homework assignment is to read this letter to your parents with an open mind and open heart. A simple task, but it will set you up for success. Not just classroom success, but success in life.
You will find this is a place where creativity is encouraged and problem solving is key to critical thinking. You will find choice in how and what you want to learn about. This is a place to explore your interests and ideas.
You will find challenges, struggles, success and even failures.
While curriculum is important, I remind myself that I teach people. You are individuals. Individuals with different strengths, weaknesses and next steps. I am an individual too. I promise to keep learning. I promise to spend every extra minute I can to become better at what I do. After all, this is about you and your future.
Individually, we have strengths, weaknesses and next steps but together we have synergy. We have the potential to change the world. Together we can achieve greatness.
Let’s make that happen. Cherish the memories we make next year. I know I will…
Have a great summer and see you in September,
Mr. A
To the future Grade 7 & 8’s I want to echo Mr. A’s comments. As a parent of a recent graduate, I can verify that you will have quite a year. This class is just like anything else in life, as you will get out of it what you put into it, so allow yourself to be a part of something that I wish we had when I was entering my senior years. That being said, the sense of empowerment and community will provide you a realistic representation of what the work place is today. The best kind of learning happens when you don’t know someone was actually teaching you. You will learn a lot. Mr. A’s commitment to you has been clearly laid out. He is true to his word. Have a great year.
Thank you, sir! You are too kind! Tell M to visit!
I came looking for ‘nkwiry’ and read your letter. Great letter, I would like to join your 7 & 8’s this year! My employer has other ideas however… Hope you are having a great summer and enjoy MSFTCamp21, I will be following on Twitter.