Managers Get You Into Trouble, Leaders Get You Out-Highlights From #edcampswo

Managers Get You Into Trouble, Leaders Get You Out-Highlights From #edcampswo

“It’s OK to be where you are, it’s not OK to stay there”

Yesterday was our second EdCampSWO event and it was quite the success. We decided to run our event in parallel with EdCampLondon and use Google Hangout to share sessions. We had close to 300 people in attendance between both locations!

Doug Peterson spoke to us at 1:15 and reminded us that we train animals, not people.

If you missed it yesterday, here are the session summaries:

Here is the tag cloud:

I was thrilled to have some of those people closest to me in attendance. I hope they thought the day was worthwhile. Based on the tweets, I’d say they were happy.




By early afternoon we knew we had trended the hashtag #edcampswo because the SPAM tweets started rolling in.


Special thanks to Andrew Forgrave (@aforgrave) for curating the day on his site here:

See you all at #edcampSWO 3.0 in October!

As always, thanks to James, the Wideens, Chad and company for another great day of learning!

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