The all-new [ FREE ] BrainPad Arcade!

The all-new [ FREE ] BrainPad Arcade!

Do you want one?

I’ve giving one away to a lucky member of the BREAKER community! If you are receiving this via email, congratulations, you are already entered! If you are reading this on the blog, join our community below for your chance to win a BrainPad Arcade!

(At the time of this writing, you cannot even buy it yet!)

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From the BrainPad Arcade site:

Learning programming in STEM is essential. Thanks to Microsoft MakeCode Arcade, you can learn to program while you build games. But what if you want to run the same games on a handheld console? For that we are introducing the BrainPad Arcade by GHI Electronics.

We have been working with the creative Microsoft MakeCode team for several months on bringing you an excellent complement to Microsoft MakeCode Arcade. We are currently in beta testing and only offering the BrainPad Arcade to close partners.

You can get up close and personal with the BrainPad Arcade as you touch the actual circuit, dress it up in your style, or get creative and make your own enclosure out of cardboard or even 3D print one.

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