T is for Twitter & Transparency

T is for Twitter & Transparency

I am a transparent teacher. I am a transparent learner.

I tweet a lot. I’ve heard every joke about me tweeting all day, living on twitter etc. and I’m OK with it. Better yet, I am great with it. It is a wealth of information, ideas, best practices and honest admissions of risk taking and failures by educators. It is a window into a global classroom.

Some of my best personal growth has come from twitter chats, conversations, and rebuttals. There are so many educators on twitter now that there is a chat almost every hour of the day – seven days a week!

If you missed the post this week by my VP, Tracy, check it out here: http://tracyvandenbossche.com/2015/04/23/teachers-youre-so-lucky-to-be-teaching-in-the-age-of-twitter/

A year ago I met Jenn Kranenburg (@JennKranenburg) at #TEDxCK (Chatham Kent). She approached me at my table, introduced herself and apologized for creeping me online. She was a new teacher, trying to find herself in a classroom. She was honest. It was humbling.

Fast forward one year.

Jenn spoke at this year’s TEDxCk event. Better yet, two of her students joined her onstage to tell their story of Challenge Based Learning and they nailed it. All three of them. Kudos to you folks – and a great idea by Jenn. After all, it was her students’ story.

I’ve spent the last three days with Jenn, traveling from TEDxCK to a weekend conference by our local ETFO folks in Grand Bend. As we chatted, the concept of transparency continued to arise. It even made it into both of our sessions.

Twitter allows me to share, not only with other teachers, but with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Twitter allows me to collaborate with other same grade teachers. Twitter allows my class to answer math questions posted by other teachers.

Sometimes we just have to have a little fun.


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2 Responses for this post

  1. blackberrydad71
    | |

    Brian. I met your #Twidow yesterday. (have you heard that one)? All kidding aside, its a great way for parents to feel engaged, and by chance, even participate in the class. Kudos to you and everyone at IC for being so accessible. #MathIsEverywhere


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