
Build engaging classrooms by curating bookmarks. Allow students to explore, learn, gather and share web resources with everyone in the class. Simple. Free. No student sign up. No student information. Never lose a link again.


As a teacher, you create topics. Topics could be anything from Math to Science to Ted Videos. Members of the class begin searching for the most valuable content ranging from websites to video clips. Web links are then saved to each unique topic giving your class instant access to a variety of web resources, curated to one location.

Think of it as shared ‘bookmarks’ accessible to anyone in the class, anywhere in the world!

What others are saying:

“Not only has nkwiry empowered my students to curate the web for the best content and gather weblinks based on specific topics, we now have a safe and secure way to showcase student work from other sources. Since it is a bookmark sharing platform, I can collect links of student work from other sources like Prezi and Bitstrips and keep them all in one spot!”

Check it out at http://www.nkwiry.com

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