Listen to the NEW Code Breaker Podcast!

Listen to the NEW Code Breaker Podcast!

Hello, world! Brian here! I hope you are safe, warm and happy.

As many of you know, I am a huge advocate for trying new things. I guess it is time to practice what I preach. Creating a podcast has been on my list for years. And the time has come.

No more excuses.

You just start.

So I did.

With COVID19 disrupting our world, education will never be the same. Online learning will continue. The disruption is happening. Welcome to my new corner of the inter web.

Listen to ALL episodes here!

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6 Responses for this post

  1. Debbie Aspinall
    Debbie Aspinall
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    Good stuff! Looking forward o hearing more!

  2. Chris Fisher
    Chris Fisher
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    I agree that COVID-19 is changing education but not sure what will be expected when we go back. Will the districts expect us to go back to the way we always did it? As a tech elective teacher, I am interested to hearing what you see changing with the tech and how we teach it. Can you share the “Growing Success” document?

  3. Melanie Klimkowski
    Melanie Klimkowski
    | |

    Love that you have a pod cast now because we can hear your passion for education and for educators. Keep advocating for our future! Always a pleasure to read your blogs but now to listen is the icing on the cake.


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