PM Award Winner Joins Fastest Growing Indie Publisher & Consulting Company

PM Award Winner Joins Fastest Growing Indie Publisher & Consulting Company

“It is our responsibility to give our learners opportunities to step outside their comfort zone & take risks that allow them to discover their passion.”

Daphne McMenemy is joining the ranks of Brian Aspinall in his efforts to continue to bring Code Breaker Inc. to the global stage.

An educator for the past eighteen years, she lives her mission statement, “It is our responsibility as educators to give our youngest learners experiences and opportunities to step outside their comfort zone and take those risks that allow them to discover their passion.”Daphne was recently awarded the Canadian Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence for her work with coding and robotics and STEM integration. She is a sought after speaker in the areas of technology integration for our youngest learners and leadership through innovation.

Daphne is also a best selling author of children’s book series, Gracie, and co-author of Disrupt the Status Quo which recounts first hand experiences and stories of failure and success, addressing four critical topics important in today’s educational environment: toxicity, failure, perspective, and voice. 

She joins Code Breaker Inc. as full time Managing Director and takes the international stage sharing her message of leadership and technology integration through innovation across North America and beyond.

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One Response for this post

  1. Joël McLean
    Joël McLean
    | |

    What great news! Team #CodeBreaker just keeps getting stronger and stronger!


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