Kids Learn Computer Code in Class to Help With Problem Solving @thecurrentcbc

That was the title from The Current this week on CBC. If you missed it, you can listen here:

For the better part of the segment, I felt as though someone was reading my thoughts. I don’t mean to come across as arrogant, just that I have been coding with elementary students for close to a decade because I saw the value early on. It was more humbling than arrogance. I am super excited we are talking about coding in classrooms today. There are many in my own PLN that pushed for coding long before I was a teacher. If anything, the segment reassured me I am not completely crazy….Completely…

The focus of this segment was on problem solving, real time feedback and coding camps (plus the obvious and overused “engagement”). Not a ton on coding in schools here in Ontario but at least the right people were interviewed and we received insight into other Provinces and countries.

Mitch Resnick (Scratch, MIT) even makes an appearance and talks about teaching spelling before writing, like you would block code before syntax. A neat comparison. I may use that.

What saddens me, and many I have spoken with since this segment aired yesterday is “who was listening”? All the “coding” folks were there – we chatted via twitter. Those who teach CS or code with students in other subjects. We have a chat session via twitter going as I write this.

I am more curious about those who can help make decisions and move forward these ideas. Were they listening?

I hope so.

Like every technology conference I attend, I feel like this segment was preaching to the choir.

Again, please check it out:

At least it’s something.

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5 Responses for this post

  1. Beth
    | |

    I was listening. I also shared the link with the people (including the SO of tech) and encouraged them to listen. Keep up your efforts. Your tweets and blog are inspiring more people tha you know 😉


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