Hour of Code: Minecraft Edition + #MIEExpert

Hour of Code: Minecraft Edition + #MIEExpert

Computer Science education week is fast approaching and Microsoft and Code.org have teamed up to provide us with the Minecraft Hour of Code edition.

Throughout the campaign, users will learn the basic building blocks of coding and have the opportunity to preview the code as Javascript.

Upon first glance I see immediate curriculum links to our younger math students who may be learning about directions.

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I would also like to point out that the site is available in multiple languages. Perhaps you wish to teach directions and coding in French class. Go ahead and change the website language before students begin.

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If you wish to check out the Minecraft edition of HOC, click here.


Yesterday was also the announcement of the Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (#MIEExpert) and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have successfully been accepted. Even more surreal, I was chosen as one of three to attend a week long Professional Development session in Budapest in March. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been chosen to attend this as there are many incredible educators to choose from. I look forward to meeting Megan Chopek (@chopekchildren) and Dean Vendramin (@vendi55) who were also selected!

I first learned about the MIE & MIEE programs back in July when I was asked to present a session on education reform and a session on coding at Camp 21 (#MSFCamp21). You can view my slides from both presentations here. What fascinated me most about Camp 21 is the passion Ontario educators have during summer months when learning something new. I remember vividly how energized my table was to explore augmented reality during the keynote session. Just being at Camp 21 gave everyone the Microsoft Innovative Educator badge which I thought was pretty neat.

Of course, the MIE program wasn’t enough for me. I got a taste for what there was to offer and I needed to see more. I quickly jumped at the chance to apply to become an Educator Expert at this link and waited patiently for the announcement. I feel very fortunate to have been accepted to this wonderful group of global educators all on the same journey.

Never in a million years did I anticipate being voted in the top three in Canada and have the opportunity to visit Budapest in March. The real winners here are our students. I look forward to exploring new ideas, cultures and classrooms and best practices from all over the world. I look forward to bringing back ideas from conversations with people who speak other languages. I feel incredibly fortunate and will do my very best to make Canadian educators proud.

If you wish to explore the MIE & MIEE programs, check out this link.

If you are interested in attending or presenting at a future Camp 21, check out this link.


Source: https://media.mojang.com/blog-image/c731af2269cf5572395bd68830befe96cddd966d/HOUR%20OF%20CODE.jpeg

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4 Responses for this post

  1. James Hewett
    James Hewett
    | |

    Very cool, many congrats! Well deserved and awesome for the #lkdsb!


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