7 Responses for this post

  1. Jonathan so
    Jonathan so
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    Haha the post was so hard to read. Took me a while!. Lol.

    First and foremost when I say homework i don’t mean reading and practising facts. I think that these should always be done in order for kids to have success. Reading is a must and should be done for fun and interest. Math facts is not just doing worksheets but practising and talking math in their daily life’s.

    That being said, in elementary I don’t think homework is important. In fact the only reason I give homework is because parents expect something to go home. I feel that if kids spend time reading at home, and playing math games for recall then that should be enough. Kids need time to be kids and I think six hours in school is enough. However, as they get older I think there needs to be some in order to get them into the practise of finishing tasks, like we do in real life. I also think that concepts get a little harder as they get older and they may need some more practise at these skills. This may be in the form of a math problems, or reading responses. During this time kids should also be understanding that if they need to do more work they should be proactive enough to do it. This is a hard skill to realize and needs coaching. The reason I say this is that as school concepts get harder study habits become very important (at least at the present time).

    Hope this adds to your post ideas.

  2. Ryan McClintock
    Ryan McClintock
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    If homework is defined as independent work assigned to students to be done on their own and then checked at school or submitted for “points or checks” then homework – at all levels – can seem a bit silly – especially while in elementary school.

    There are huge costs to sequestering students at home to do more “work” … mainly limited play and exploration (in their various forms). We must consider these costs when we assign work that we mean to be completed at home. And parents need to scrutinize homework. It’s not okay to view homework primarily as a communication tool, that is, to see your son or daughter doing work at the table and think that they must be learning and that all is okay at school. Only interaction and sincere conversation can communicate these ideas.

    Anything we give as “homework” needs to have clear purpose – as teachers let’s ask “Why?” at least two or three times to see if the assignment and its purpose hold up. Doing this can only help students and families prioritize how they spend their time and energy outside of school.

  3. Austin Gagnier
    Austin Gagnier
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    I feel that homework isn’t nessecary, students work hard enough at school and get caught up in things. Therefore, homework isn’t neccesary


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