Coding & The Power of the PLN

Coding & The Power of the PLN

Computer Science Education Week is Dec 4 – 10 and many educators are looking for the best resources to engage their students in a variety of ways.

I LOVE being connected to SO many fantastic educators across the globe. Just today I was tagged in a tweet from someone looking for a coding resource. While I did not see the original tweet, I was tagged in a follow up by someone else. You know, the six degrees of Kevin Bacon thing.


Social media has changed how and when I learn. I get choice, voice, can troll and can participate until my heart is content. Sometimes I am the expert. Most of the time I am not. I get to make things, share things, promote things, challenge things and learn things.

But, this isn’t always the case. Check out Andrew Campbell’s post:

Canadian Schools Silence Teachers on Social Media

I am in no position to make any informed decision about social media and it’s place in the public sector. However, the sharing and challenging of ideas only makes us progress further. As we continue to muddle through web 2.0, social media and the “21st Century”, remember to use your professional judgement when posting.

There is nothing wrong with bettering yourself in the name of your students.

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