Are You Attending @edcampSWO ?

Are You Attending @edcampSWO ?

Are you attending EdCampSWO on April 12, 2014?

EdCamp South Western Ontario wants you to come and ask questions, offer resolutions and learn!

Check out this video from edcampToronto.

In a nutshell EdcampSWO is an ‘unconference‘.

Do you like sharing ideas with other educators? Do you enjoy talking about the latest trends in education?

Then Edcamp is for you! Edcamp is an organic, democratic, participant-driven professional development model for people interested in education. There are no keynote presentations, there is no formal pre-set agenda, and participants set the course of the day. Participants at Edcamp are encouraged to contribute ideas in workshops and are invited to share a short presentation or propose a question. Workshops are interactive, conversation-driven and not typical lecture style presentations.

The Edcamp model originated less than two years ago with Edcamp Philly. Since that time, the model has gained popularity and events have been held throughout the United States and Canada.

EdcampSWO was the first in southwestern Ontario!. Do not miss this opportunity – April 12, 2014 Tilbury District High School, 97 Queen St. South, Tilbury Ontario.

You may register here:

EdcampLondon is also the same day and we hope to skype sessions with them!


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