In this post, we are going to determine plausible sizes of a Super Mario pipe. Let’s look at the curriculum expectations for grade 8 math:
- determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., generalizing from the volume relationship for right prisms, and verifying using the capacity of thin-walled cylindrical containers), the relationship between the area of the base and height and the volume of a cylinder, and generalize to develop the formula (i.e.,Volume = area of base x height);
- determine, through investigation using concrete materials, the surface area of a cylinder (Sample problem: Use the label and the plastic lid from a cylindrical container to help determine its surface area.);
- solve problems involving the surface area and the volume of cylinders, using a variety of strategies (Sample problem: Compare the volumes of the two cylinders that can be created by taping the top and bottom, or the other two sides, of a standard sheet of paper.).
For the purposes of this task, we will use Super Mario 1. Familiarize yourself with it below:
Although the graphics have improved, the character sizes have not changed. Mario is estimated to be 155 cm tall (5’11”) and approximately 200 pounds.
1) Estimate the height and weight of the remaining characters.
2) Based on the data above, estimate the dimensions of the pipe pictured here:
3) Considering Bowser must travel through these worlds, determine the volume of these pipes. How much space is there inside to allow Nintendo characters to safely travel through them.
4) Looks like the pipes need some work. How much paint is needed to re-coat this pipe once?
5) How tall is the flagpole?
Great job! We can work in proportions here too. An interesting questions: If Mario weighs 200lbs how much volume does he take up?
Perfect extension!
Or if you want to tie it to science: If the pipe were full of water, how much water would Mario displace when he jumped in?
Is that Mario’s estimated height with or without a mushroom??? ..Questions that keep me up at night.
155cm is just under 5’1″, not 5’11”. which is much more realistic. I don’t think anyone thought the princesses were over 6′.