2020 Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

2020 Code Breaker Book Giveaway!

Hello, world!

December 7 marks the beginning of Computer Science Education Week 2020 and I want to support by offering TWENTY (yes 20!) signed copies of my book Code Breaker to 20 followers of this blog.

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If you are new, subscribe below for your chance to win a signed copy! (And learn about more contest giveaways in the future!)

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But don’t just listen to me – read from some the 40+ five star reviews below!

“Brian has broken the code of the classroom. As the realm of education continues to change and move towards computational thinking, 21st Century learning, coding, and beyond Brian has concisely combined all pieces together in an easy to read and understand book. Filled with ideas, examples, flops and improvements Code Breaker makes for an excellent book for teachers to have in their arsenal if they are looking for ways to integrate coding and computing into their classrooms.”

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“This book is full of practical ideas on how to implement coding and computational thinking into the classroom and across various subject areas. This a great book, quick read and will definitely help any teacher wanting to get started with coding in the classroom. Brian helps readers by explaining his own challenges and experiences with using coding and computational thinking in his own classes and he provides readers with some activities to help them get started!”

“Code Breaker is for both the beginner who is just learning about coding, to the active educator who integrates technology within the curriculum. Aspinall shares revelations of how he came to understand that learning is created by those involved. Presenting algorithms to be memorized or worksheet drills are not the focus. Learning through discovery, being invested in the process and a shared goal of discovery leads to a much more rewarding and long lasting educational experience. Not only are the students engaged in the examples in this book, but so too are the educators. Personal accounts, QR codes linked to useful information and hands on lessons/directions for coding that can be used right ‘out of the box’ create a resource that will be used again and again. Who knew Google street view could be a window to the past, present and future? Mind storms = Storm windows (stay tuned to the end of the book to find out why!)”

“Brian brings the versatility of coding out by sharing so many ways it can be used in the classroom. This book pushes teachers to think outside of the box and work toward creating positive changes in their practice for the children in their classrooms today. There are many QR codes with activities throughout the book that are extremely helpful.”

“If you have ever thought about introducing coding to students or incorporating it into your lessons then this is a must read for you! Brian Aspinall shows how you can use coding in any content area and gives ideas for engaging lessons. Whether you are a beginner coder yourself or an expert you can take something away from this book! To think, it all started with a pooping baby!”

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One Response for this post

  1. Lisa Freshley
    Lisa Freshley
    | |

    I’ve been wanting to get my students into coding. Third graders are very interested and have the growth mindset that will help them be successful.


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