September 2015

You are browsing the site archives for September 2015.

Collaboration, Camaraderie & Financial Literacy With @ClashofClans #onted

Collaboration, Camaraderie & Financial Literacy With @ClashofClans #onted

I am a big fan and advocate for games based learning. In the most trivial form, good games offer complex puzzles, critical thought and creative play. Many good games today require an element of collaboration, creativity, problem solving and communication. Let’s not forget about financial literacy. Let me reiterate – good games. There are some not-so-good-games […]

Interpreting Curriculum

Interpreting Curriculum

( In this post I would like to share some personal experiences regarding our preconceived notion of what curriculum is. While documents are in place with specific expectations for each grade level, we often omit the mathematical process found at the beginning of every grade here in Ontario. What I mean to say is the math […]