
[ Video ] Introducing Computational Thinking #CodeBreaker

[ Video ] Introducing Computational Thinking #CodeBreaker

Computational Thinking can take on a variety of forms. As a generalization – it means to solve problems using technology – either with existing technology, or by creating technology to do things we haven’t done before. Let’s face it: I have put together this short video below. Please feel free to share it with colleagues or at conferences. The more […]

The Power of Teaching Math With Code #CodeBreaker

The Power of Teaching Math With Code #CodeBreaker

I have long been an advocate for constructivist learning. Experiences where students receive feedback from each other as well as the environment frees up the teacher to consolidate with others. I especially love finding the teachers with passions similar to mine. Jeramie Oliveira is a math teacher at Simi Valley High School and someone I […]

Breaking Blocks & Changing Lives

Breaking Blocks & Changing Lives

This morning I tweeted an article titled “Spatial skills higher among those who played with construction-based toys and video games in childhood.” It is a great read with many interesting points. From the article: Childhood play experiences strongly shape a person’s spatial skills, according to a new CIRES-led study—those skills can be critical to success […]

Coding Fact Triangles

Coding Fact Triangles

Fact Triangles are similar in some ways to flashcards although they are a better way of showing and practicing fact families. Fact Families are sets of three numbers that can be divided or multiplied together and they help develop the understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. Below are two examples: Source: A […]